Personal reflections

Lead The Way 1.0

, Last week I volunteered to be a part of LEAP Africa’s Easter summer camp: Lead the way 2017, It wasn’t my first experience volunteering at an event like this as I had been a part of summer residential camps organized by Eagles HOPE Foundation in 2015 & 2016, but this experience was different for […]

Personal reflections

A Better way to BegĀ 

This hypothesis is based on the fact that people begging by the road side do so with the mindset of it being a means of sustenance till they find a more productive means of sustainace. Today I had a meeting at Lekki at Noon and because I knew Lekki is Lekki coming from the Mainland […]

Personal reflections


Misconception: A view or opinion that is incorrect because it is based on faulty thinking or understanding. Nowadays I’m hesitant to my opinion on certain issues without getting a better understanding of the context, in cases where I can’t get the context I tend to give multiple possibilities. I’ve realized that most of the things […]

Personal reflections

The Gospel according to Mustard Seed

I most likely won’t forget today in a hurry and hope to replicate this experience more often. I had stayed up till about 4 am getting lost on YouTube, chatting and concluding a book One thing you can’t do in heaven by Mark Cahill, Pastor Iren did say it was the best book he had […]

Personal reflections

Wait for It

If you want a big idea or a clever solution, there is simply no solution than waiting. Richard Watson Where do you get your best ideas from? When do you get your best ideas or aha moments? Richard Watson in Future Minds: How the digital age is changing our minds, why this matters, what we […]