Personal reflections

July 2024: Gearing up for protests

In July, the rain subsided, Nigerians geared up for our protests against bad governance and the American election took an unexpected turn with Biden stepping down.

While I understand the skepticism around the effectiveness of protests, I strongly believe that only a revolution will turn things around in Nigeria and not waiting for due process to take its course. Due process is a façade in Nigeria.

Highlights of the Month

  • I travelled to Ibadan for a wedding. It was at the same venue I had mine last year. It was nice to not be at the centre of the occasion.
  • I had more frequent sessions at the gym, thanks to sticking to group classes.
  • I spoke at a panel session on the tech media space in Africa. It was a good avenue to reflect on what’s working and what’s not.

Noteworthy Stuff

📚  Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making – Tony Fadell

This advice is unorthodox because it’s old-school. The religion of Silicon Valley is reinvention, disruption—blowing up old ways of thinking and proposing new ones. But certain things you can’t blow up. Human nature doesn’t change, regardless of what you’re building, where you live, how old you are, how wealthy or not. And over the last thirty-plus years I’ve seen what humans need to reach their potential, to disrupt what needs disrupting, to forge their own unorthodox path.

A great read. Actionable advice from someone who led the teams that created the iPod, iPhone and Nest Thermostat.

🗞  1.0 Is the Loneliest Number | Matt Mullenweg

Usage is like oxygen for ideas. You can never fully anticipate how an audience is going to react to something you’ve created until it’s out there. That means every moment you’re working on something without it being in the public it’s actually dying, deprived of the oxygen of the real world.

🎧Incense – Let God slow you down

A powerful sermon on the need to slow down in a fast-paced world.

📺 #Masoyinbo Episode Thirty-Nine with #Asiri: Exciting Game Show Teaching Yoruba Language and Culture

One of my favourite shows. 

📺How Steve Jobs Persuaded The World

Due to the abundance of Steve Jobs-related content out there, I’m typically wary of listening to anything new but this one was really good. A fresh perspective to the behavioural science principles Jobs used to persuade the world.

📺Learn Great Copywriting in 76 Minutes | Harry Dry

It’s worth every minute.

🎁 50 YouTubers Fight For $1,000,000

Mr. Beast as usual keep pushing the bar up for content creation.

Quote 💭

She had blue skin,
And so did he.
He kept it hid
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through,
Then passed right by—
And never knew.”

Source: Everything On It. H/T to James Clear.

Thanks for reading. See you on September 1st.

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