Book Review

Book Review: Good to Great

When Emmanuel Osho recommended Good to Great, I was a bit skeptical about reading it because it was published in 2001 and one of the many things about books is that they tend to be outdated but since he was quite persistent I said why not. The book has about 7 chapters of principles which […]

Personal reflections

What should we really expect from Smart phones?

I’ve heard it over and over about how the new phones/devices are not really game changers. The touchscreen isn’t a miracle anymore, longer battery life only offers marginal utility, wireless charging is still restrictive, quality camera reaches a threshold where a few megapixels wouldn’t make us say wow, Touch ID is ubiquitous, Face ID has […]

Personal reflections

Coders of Emoticons 

This conversation made me realize how much I missed trying to figure out different hopefully cool ways to create facial/pictorial expressions without having them all figured like Emojis.   Cheers to the Coders of Emoticons Boro is pronounced Bor-raw

Literary Excerpt Personal reflections

If being remembered is the aim

Or should I say making meaningful connections that remember you is the aim of networking then what’s really the best way to achieve that? Going to Say Hello Wearing an Outfit that would make you outstanding Exchanging contacts Sharing your ideas/experiences /interests and listening Doing something Meaningful/Remarkable normally I’ve always been the kind of person […]

Personal reflections

Everyone is a Teacher

I remember those days in school while growing up when we were asked what we wanted to be in future and no one or only a few people mentioned being a Teacher, the cliché response from the Teachers was “So who would now teach your children” and the usual response was usually some mumbled disjointed […]