Personal reflections

Bain Interview: S01 E01

I had my first interview in my first round at Bain & Company earlier this month. I almost got to the venue late because traffic was not smiling. I got in 15 mins to the time-I had to bike it there because the bigger transport vessels weren’t of any help. It was a skype interview […]

Book Review Personal reflections

Lords of strategy

“There are three strands to the narrative, woven into a single braid. First is the history of the critical ideas, how they were devised, out of what forerunner materials, and in response to which particular problems. The second and third strands are the stories of people—Bruce Henderson, Michael Porter, Tom Peters, and others—and of organizations, […]

Game Changer Personal reflections

SpaceX: Is that really the simplest way to do things?

Boil things down to their fundamental truths, reason up from there as opposed to reasoning from analogies. Elon Musk I’ve been a fan of Elon Musk for a while now, I found his story fascinating and he illustrates the kind of life I want to live in future, disrupting different sectors of the economy with […]

Personal reflections

Sometimes the Judge is wrong

On the 12th of November 2016, I woke up to see 2 missed phone calls from Busola “Helper of the world” I figured she was calling because she missed my calls the previous night. I did some morning activities and then her call came in again, she quickly informed me that there was a business […]

Personal reflections

Rethinking Global warming and Energy Use in Nigeria

“ The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping old ones.” John Maynard keyes Over the years we’ve heard of the concept of global warming, how the world could come to an end if focus is not shifted from fossil fuel to renewable energy. In this side of the world […]