Personal reflections

May 2022: The Nigerian Political scene is heating up

May 2022 Hi there, May was a much more pleasant month. It started with me attending a fun comedy show, which I enjoyed a lot. Weirdly, I noticed that I had been mixing up 2021 with 2022, I guess my mind hasn’t moved on totally from last year. The Nigerian political space is heating up […]

Personal reflections

March & April 2022: It’s been a lot

March & April 2022: Hi there, Sorry for the delay. March and April were stressful months. The weather was scorching hot and Nigeria’s power grid just couldn’t keep up with the demands so it collapsed—multiple times. I’m just glad I made it out alive. In April, the weather got cooler, then I had to deal […]

Personal reflections

February 2022: Many firsts

February 2022 Hi there, February had many firsts for me. If you had asked me last year which middle east country I’d like to visit, Saudi Arabia wouldn’t have been the first option on my list. Well, I visited Saudi Arabia in February and it was enlightening. For the the more or less challenge, which […]

Personal reflections

January 2022: Started out slowly ?

January 2022 January has been good. My main overarching mindset this year is to pace myself in terms of how much I get done because this year is a marathon, not a sprint. I don’t want to be super exhausted close to the end of the year. I believe I’ve started out well. Then I’m […]

Personal reflections

Lessons from my first year as a journalist

About a year ago I made a career change from Accounting to Journalism. As I like to say, I moved from obsessing over numbers to obsessing over narratives. Why? Among many reasons, it was an opportunity to learn about an aspect of life I wasn’t too familiar with: storytelling. Coming tops in the Global Peter […]