Personal reflections

January 2021: Settling into the new year

It’s taken a while to settle into the new year. This year is dedicated to protecting my energy! I’ve simplified this newsletter to make it more doable for me since I write a lot these days. What do you think? Highlights of the Month I’m back jogging, I use the Nike running club app and […]

Personal reflections

Learning Curve 2020: Some of the most helpful books, articles, podcasts, videos I came across in 2020

2020 was a roller-coaster for most people around the world. The word ‘unprecedented’ became so popular that I doubt I’d ever hear it and not think of COVID-19. Working remotely became the new normal and wearing masks became compulsory for everyone. For me, At the end of the year like this [2017, 2018, 2019], I […]

Personal reflections

November 2020: A Career Switch

Hello Friend, November was certainly calmer than October for Nigeria, yet still a fast-paced month for me.  How was your November? A useful reminder @Visualizevalue  Highlights of November:  Joining TechCabal as a Writer/Editor. A career switch that took some thinking and deliberations but one month in and I’m liking it. Spending a week in a different […]

Personal reflections

October 2020: A revolution has begun

Hello there, October 2020 was quite a month. It was the beginning of a revolution in Nigeria with the end SARS protests and other discoveries. I hope the fire doesn’t fizzle out. @Visualizevalue  Highlights of August:  Organising my life on Notion & finally changing my website’s domain name. Building End SARS Diary with a group of friends. […]

Personal reflections

September 2020: The Social Dilemma

Hello there, It’s that time of the year when people start saying the year went by really fast. I don’t think so. How was September? For me, it was meh. Kind of slow. @Jackbutcher Highlights of August: Going Paintballing for the first time. My respect for soldiers just went up. Voice Ok was launched by […]