Personal reflections

Re: Big Tech’s Original Sin

Ever since I read reconsider 2 years ago I started rethinking what it meant for a business to be successful. In the article, DHH admonishes people to: Examine and interrogate your motivations, reject the money if you dare, and startup something useful. A dent in the universe is plenty. Curb your ambition. Live happily ever after. Recently, I sent a […]

Game Changer

Getting into YCombinator’s Startup School

Well everyone that applied got in ? A tweet by Suhail Doshi advising anyone with current or future plans of running a business to sign up for YC’s startup school was all I needed to apply to join this year’s batch of startup school. I’ve been following him for quite a while now because he tweets […]

Literary Excerpt

On Projects and Building what Interests You

I find reading articles as an effective and faster way of learning, I’m a regular (almost daily) visitor of Seth Godin’s blog – short daily write ups that hit the nail on the head. A few days ago I decided to add reading Paul Graham’s essays on my to-do list, these are just two intentional inclusions made […]