Personal reflections

Wait for It

If you want a big idea or a clever solution, there is simply no solution than waiting.

Richard Watson

Where do you get your best ideas from? When do you get your best ideas or aha moments? Richard Watson in Future Minds: How the digital age is changing our minds, why this matters, what we can do about it carried out a survey on this topic and here are some feedbacks.

“Usually when I am not working, and most often when I am travelling.”

Baroness Susan Greenfield, Professor  of Pharmacologym University of Oxford

“I do my best thinking in bed- My dreams are often very close to real life, so sometimes I wake up having solved a problem.”

Roger Graef, writer, filmmaker and criminologist

“Probably playing Lego”

Matt, aged 8

Interestingly, he noted that very few people get their best ideas in front of their phones or while at work, most people get their best ideas doing unrelated tasks.

You can’t rush ‘magic’ (great ideas/solutions)

Most of what we spend our time on doesn’t facilitate the generation of great ideas.

“There is more to life than increasing its speed.”

Mahatma Gandhi

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