Personal reflections

Everyone is a Teacher

I remember those days in school while growing up when we were asked what we wanted to be in future and no one or only a few people mentioned being a Teacher, the cliché response from the Teachers was “So who would now teach your children” and the usual response was usually some mumbled disjointed […]

Personal reflections

It’s Okay to Cry

I’ve never really understood why people cry in certain situations like when parting with friends or when watching a sad or romantic movie. I’m a guy, I’m wired differently, the last time I cried was about 6 years ago which, to be honest, I had to force it out and it lasted for some seconds. Some […]

Personal reflections

Will Female Football ever measure up to Male football?

I was watching TV a few weeks back and I saw an Ad about the Women’s Euro 2017 football tournament, I was shocked that I didn’t have any prior knowledge about it like I would have if it was a male tournament. Are you aware of the just concluded Women’s Euro 2017 tournament Netherlands? Did […]

Personal reflections

Does first impression matter?

Maybe it does but not every time. The first time you heard that song and thought it was wack only to hear it over and over concluding issa hit. Remember that person you loathed from a distance only to discover after a conversation that you were wrong. Or that device you fell in love with […]

Personal reflections

Ads: & Others

With the advent of the internet, advertising has become more direct. Ads can be tailored to an internet user based on past online behavior. Many companies like, Konga, Jumia,MTN… have taken advantage of this avenue to become pests, Yeah, I get, they’re trying to sell, the end product is that people see the ads […]