Personal reflections

June 2024: Rainy and a crazy start

June started crazy with the national electricity grid being turned off due to a strike by the Nigerian Labour Congress. After that whatever else happened didn’t seem as terrible as the blackout period. The rainy season kicked into full gear in June, so I’m grateful for the weather — especially on days when I don’t […]

Personal reflections

June & July 2022: I did a mini Europe Tour

June & July 2022 Bonjour, Apologies, as I’m late in sending out this newsletter. June was an eventful month for me, filled with lots of travelling. I dabbled into learning a bit of French on Duolingo because I was in Paris for a conference for a week. The weirdest thing that happened to me in […]

Personal reflections

On Hallelujah Challenge

June 2017 is a month that many Nigerians won’t forget in a hurry. Nathaniel ‘Blow’ Bassey announced by the end of May to praise God from 12 noon to 1 am for the 30 days in the month of June. He urged people to join via Instagram live and left it at that. Fast forward […]