Personal reflections

I know Readers are Leaders sounds cool and true

Photo by Lacie Slezak on Unsplash but we all learn best differently? Formal education emphasizes reading and writing from an early stage so really rarely would anyone pass through formal education without being able to do read and write. Attempt 567 to finish a book started. — Pilot (@FatherMerry) December 9, 2017 Readers are Leaders! […]

Personal reflections

Everyone is a Teacher

I remember those days in school while growing up when we were asked what we wanted to be in future and no one or only a few people mentioned being a Teacher, the cliché response from the Teachers was “So who would now teach your children” and the usual response was usually some mumbled disjointed […]

Personal reflections

My Philosophy on Learning

As far back as I can remember I’ve always been curious, I remember my parents told me I asked alot of questions like why soap has different colors but they all brought out only white foam? They had to refer me to someone who could answer that question, I still constantly have alot of questions today that […]