Personal reflections

Loving Daniella

Most people say the best place to sit when seeing a movie at the cinema is at the back but in recent times it’s been horrible sitting at back because the noisemakers also sit there. Those who want me to hear their ring tones — why can’t you keep your phone on silent or vibration […]

Personal reflections

Does first impression matter?

Maybe it does but not every time. The first time you heard that song and thought it was wack only to hear it over and over concluding issa hit. Remember that person you loathed from a distance only to discover after a conversation that you were wrong. Or that device you fell in love with […]

Personal reflections

On Story Telling

Many people start sharing their stories, perspectives either Blogs or Vlogs or even in reality but then they tend to stop for one or two reasons. I believe more people need to share their stories it’d help others learn and feel they’re not alone. Art Storytelling has no right answer Art involves the intent of the […]