Personal reflections

January & February 2023: I’m expecting the best

2023 is here and I’m expecting the best!  January seemed like business as usual with the incessant fuel scarcity and in February, the scarcity of Naira notes made things weirder.  I resigned from my role as senior reporter at TechCabal. It’s been an amazing 2 years + and I think it’s time to take a […]

Personal reflections

Learning Curve 2022: Some of the most helpful books, articles, podcasts, and videos I came across

2022 was an insane ride. I won a few journalism awards, participated in a six-month journalism fellowship, travelled to six countries (five for the first time), and did terrific work as a journalist. Amid all this, I’m glad I was able to keep on learning. As I have done in the past five years (2017, […]

Personal reflections

Sept–Dec 2022: Procrastinating until…

September – December 2022 Hello there, It’s been a few months since I wrote a monthly update. Why? Let’s just say I kept on procrastinating until the craziness of this world caught up with me. September was calmer because I took a 2-week leave off work. I spent half of that period in South Africa […]

Personal reflections

August 2022: I went Kayaking for the first time ?

August 2022 Hello there, August was a month of reflection. There was half year appraisal at work which could have gone better and I renewed my house rent, which made me think about how much longer I want to live in my current apartment. I’ve developed the habit of watching movie recaps on YouTube. A […]

Personal reflections

June & July 2022: I did a mini Europe Tour

June & July 2022 Bonjour, Apologies, as I’m late in sending out this newsletter. June was an eventful month for me, filled with lots of travelling. I dabbled into learning a bit of French on Duolingo because I was in Paris for a conference for a week. The weirdest thing that happened to me in […]